Gentle, Effective Laser Hair Removal in Maryland
If you dream of a day when you no longer have to shave under your arms, your legs, or deal with unwanted dark hair on your face, laser hair removal is the answer. With just a few laser treatments, hair can be greatly reduced. Laser hair removal only works on dark hair, so the most common treatment areas for women are under the arms and the bikini area. Men typically choose laser hair removal for the back and back of the neck.
Laser Hair Removal Questions & Answers
How does laser hair removal work?
An infrared laser targets hair follicles specifically. The hair follicles are heated up and destroyed. A computer-guided scanning system ensures that your skin is rapidly and evenly treated.
Is hair color a factor in laser hair removal?
Yes. Because the laser targets melanin, blonde and white hair will not be eliminated with laser treatments.
How many laser hair removal treatments will be needed?
This will vary with skin type and which part of the body is being treated. Generally, an area will need to be treated 5 to 8 times at intervals of 6 to 8 weeks. There are three phases of hair growth. Only hair in the active growth is successfully treated each session. Maintenance treatments are generally needed three times per year.
What happens during treatment?
The area to be treated will be prepped with a cooling gel, then scanned with laser light. A system of cooling your skin will be used to remove heat as it leaves the hair follicles. This will ensure comfort during your session.
What happens after treatment?
Some redness and swelling at the treated site may appear for a few hours after treatment. Post-treatment instructions will be provided.
Note: Individual results may vary.